Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Vegetarian Motobike Job

First of all i would like to say sorry cause i havent up dated my blog for 12 days But alot has happened since then really.

First of all if u didnt know i am a vegetarian and some people really need to learn wat vegetarian is here is a dictionary defintion if u dont know:

"vegetarian noun someone who does not eat meat or fish. adj 1 referring to or for vegetarians. 2 denoting food or a diet that contains no meat or fish. vegetarianism noun. Compare lactovegetarian, vegan.
ETYMOLOGY: 19c: from vegetable."

(This Definition was taken from Chambers Reference Online Copyright Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd 2006)

well i went to a garden centre which will remain nameless n i went into the cafe i ordered a chesee and tomarto toasted sandwich and an apple jucie which was displaed on the menu board with a green V sign indcating that it was vegetarian i paid for it n sat down at one of the tables while one of the members of staff went off to cook it afer about 20 mins this sandwhich appeared the trouble was she got the order wrong and gave me chesse n ham with salad n chrisp's so i sent it back cause i couldnt eat it cause of the meat contained in it. So this member of staff took this snadwich n that back into the kitchen and about 5 mins later a sandwich n salad n crips appeared back again i throught that was quick considering it took them 20mins to do the first sandwich but i ate it any way it tasted a bit strange but i throught nothing of it then i was voilently sick i then found out that all they had done was taken out the ham that was in the sandwich n put in a few tomartoes n then put it back into the sandwich toaster then brought it back to me which is just wrong because it still contains meat even if u have removed the ham from the sandwich cause it has then on been contaimnated and is not vegitarian then i ate one of the chrips n fond that they were chesse and onion well u may not know this but cheese and onion crisp are not vegitarian even tho cheese ist self is and so is onion but the way they make the crips to get the cheese flavour makes the crisps non vegitarian

but this place was terrible i saw many things wrong with the place i saw one member of staff blow her nose on a cloth and then continued to wipe a plate with this cloth that she had just blown her nose with now that is sick

and some staff were handling food with out gloves and some had gloves but never changed them when handling different foods so they was going from meat to non meat products without changing gloves or washing there hands

and they only had one spoon for despensing running foods like baked beaans then they would use the spoon to despens gravy or cheese saurce n they never washed this spoon at all
and the washing up sink was piled high with plates that havent been washed they where stacked all the way to the ceiling n flies were buzzing around it was gross

after eating there i spent several days being ill sorry for my little rant or putt u off ur food but it anoyed me. The place was just so wrong considering it was a major leading garden centre company.


Secondly i got a job i managed to get a temporary job as a chugger for those of u that dont know wat that is it is a person that goes around giving out leaflets or goping around with a clip board n trying to perswayed people up to sign up to something like a gym , or switch power comapanies or gas comapnies. not a job i want to stay in for ever but it pays the bills mostly cause everyone tries to avoid u and hates u cause they dont want to be bothered which i cant blame me cause i am the same .
I started my new job on the 7th of september i had to give out leaf lets about a protomtional offer for joining a gym i must have walked about 30 miles in total i had to go door to door n post these leaftlets throught peoples letter boxes this job has its dangers i was told where i had to deliver them n i couldnt come back until had given out ever single leaflet so i had to get to this certain street n on the way i had to post this leaftlest throught the letter boxes of every house until i got to this certain street well on my first leaftlest n letterbox i cut open my hand so it bled for the rest of the day getting worse through out the day as i went on then my 5th leaflet i got bitten by a dog as i was putting the leaftlet though the doori wallked for miles and had seen some right things one man had conected his letterbox to the electrced so it gave the person using it an electric shock just beacuse he didnt want junk mail another bloke had a snake in his letter box :S which i really didnt like it was only a small one but still not nice i was sworn at and abused and one women through used nappies at me she missed cause i dived out the way but can u tell i love my new job ***please note this last stament is an extreme case of sarcasium***

Thrid and Finally

Well if u throught my first day of work the second was even better which was on the 9th of september 2006 i got ready for work n got on to my motorbike to drive to work i got about 2 miles down the road when i was knocked off my bike by a car so i couldnt go into work cause i had to deal with the police n amberlance i got trapped under the bike so now i have no transport my leg is pretty much buggered cut brused n swollen so bad i cant acctually move it and to top it all off i may now lose my job after only working one day n spending so long looking and trying to get a job grr dont u just love live well we will see but the end of the week if i do or do not lose my job hopefully not.

Well hopefully all u guys out there are having a good time come and leave me a few messages while i am laying here board off me nuts

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