Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Photo Project No 10 29/11/2006

Photo Project Day 10

Todays Photograph is titled:


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Photo Project No 9 28/11/2006

Photo Project Day 9

Today i through i would give u some thing slightly different today instead of a photograph i present you with a Photogram and todays photogram is titled:


Friday, November 24, 2006

Photo Project No 5 24/11/2006

Photo Project Day 5

Today's picture come from my photo shoot this morning today i went to Avebury and met with the Druid Keeper of the Stones and a Wicken priest and i managed to do a photo shoot with them in there robes around the stones in the Stone circles they also showed me some special places for the Druid and Wicken followers and i photographed some of the places. Today's shot comes from one of the places they showed me.

I call this picture:

Roots of Religion

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006

New Photograph Project 20th November 2006 No 1

I have decided to start a new project kind of thing im going to post one photograph on this blog every day either until i run out of photographs or i forget or something like that cause alot of people dont get to see my photographs cause i dont tend to show everybody they sit on a hard drive somewhere n dont see the light of day again until i need them or use them for various projects or events.

So the first photograph im going to start with it this one i just call it

Suzi 1

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Update 18th November 2006

I have been relatively busy laterly i went for a another job interview this time for a well known mobile phone company I didnt take the job because it was rubbish they were going to base my pay on commisson and then not let me sell anything that was commission based so that meant i was not going to get paid for working which to me sounds like a mugs game so i told them where to put there job cause they told me i was being unreasonable for exspecting to get paid for working. I think the term not paid for working is called slavery so i turned that job down any way.

I have mostly been doing uni work and doing a photoshoot for a friend.

well any way i got work to do ill cya all around


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